
“I received a raise after the curse of poverty was broken during the Alcoholism group deliverance!” – Pricilla

Steve Delaportes

Steve Delaportes was completely healed of a shoulder problem and pain he’d had for years and years which the doctors were unable to find a cure for, when a curse of Sorcery was broken off of him. He is now completely pain free for the first time in...

Janet M.

“I am completely healed of Chemical Sensitivities, and after deliverance and inner healing, I noticed I no longer break down and cry over certain situations.” – Janet M.

Kathleen D.

“I was completely healed of female problems in the area of monthly cycles, after a generational curse of incest was broken off of me! And — the best news is that my daughter, who had been experienceing the same problems, was also healed at the same...

Linda Ma.

“After attending the group deliverance on Infirmity, I received a complete healing of lactose intolerance, which I’d struggled with for 5 years, and which prevented me from eating dairy products. I can now eat any and all dairy products!” –...

Lupita L.

“After deliverance, I felt perfect peace for the first time.” – Lupita L. Lupita L. is delivered completely of alcoholism that she’d struggled with all of her adult life!