Ruth F.

"My husband and I were blessed to be with you last night. Thank you for the ministry that we received. I was excited to see how well my husband did with the teachings and the ministry.You and your people show such love and capabilities. I have looked for deliverance...

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Linda H.

Years ago I received an injury to my right eye and was having trouble seeing out of that eye (blurry vision). However, after going through the Freemasonry Group Deliverance, my vision in that eye is completely restored. Also in a personal deliverance session with Rev....

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Esther D.

I live in Lausanne, Switzerland, and Rev. Eleanor ministered healing/deliverance to me via telephone and I got healed of childhood woundings which I'd carried around for many years. Also, I just got delivered of severe hayfever when Rev. Eleanor called it out of me....

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Ginny R.

I have had 4 whiplash neck injuries in my lifetime which have left me with excruciating pain. I could not sleep at night due to the neck pain and I also could not rotate my head at all from side to side. However, after going through the Freemasonry Group Deliverance...

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Mel W.

I just want to give Glory to The Lord for delivering me from a strong addiction to pornography. I was introduced to pornography at the tender age of 13 and then molested, which led to an addiction to pornography for decades. A year and a half ago, Pastor Eleanor...

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Brenda F.

I have a granddaughter who was born with 3 defective heart valves. After going through the Freemason Group Deliverance, my granddaughter was taken to the Doctor and he found that her heart valves had miraculously been healed. I also have had healing of the mind after...

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Eleanor, I am a brand new person! I have been attending group deliverances for a couple of years and have served on Eleanor's ministry team for about six months. I have always struggled with anger. Since I was a child I have had anger issues. My mother has said I was...

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Diane B.

Diane B. from Washington State writes: Dear Rev. Eleanor, I would like you to know that I've been feeling very different. It's almost strange really. I feel "normal". No anxiety or depression. I'm off all meds. I haven't been without an antidepressant since 1987. My...

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Richard D. Ortiz

Skeptic I was, Believer I am. On Sept. 8th 2009 I attended your ministry with doubt in my mind and heart. I told myself a healing ministry? Come on seriously Rich the only place that I have ever heard of something like this was in the deep south and it was nothing but...

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Scott Austin

Dear Eleanor, I’m 39 years old and had been a full-blown alcoholic since my early 20’s, although my drinking started when I was 14. I was never an atheist but didn’t become a follower of Christ until the past 2 years. For over a year I’ve been attending a Christian...

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