Bridget was suffering from pneumonia for three weeks, she would cough so hard her insides would ache. After deliverance, the doctor who had her on 4 different medications couldn't believe she was healed!
Marie used to cut herself. Since deliverance she has lost 12 pounds and has no desire for junk food or diet coke! She says she has control of her life and household, and no longer sleeps all day!
Scott Meachum
"I had been an alcoholic and pot smoker for 25 years, after going through deliverance, I am set completely free! I am celebrating my l year, 9 month anniversary of total sobriety. I was a 3rd generation alcoholic - my grandfather, my father and then me." - Scott Meachum
Tony, had chills and a fever, but his temperature was normal, had Filipino and Catholic witchcraft cast out of him. His fever immediately went away.
Rudy C.
"I was healed through the ministry of deliverance of diabetes, water on the knee, high blood pressure, back problems, and trigger finger right before I was scheduled to go for surgery! I was able to cancel the surgery!" - Rudy C.
Noily C.
"I got healed of cat allergies after going through deliverance. I can actually have my cat sleep on my bed and it doesn't affect me anymore." - Noily C.
Linda suffered from MPD (multiple-personality-disorder)caused by numerous types of childhood abuse. She had 4 personalities; Danny, Michael, Ruthie, and Virginia. Virginia was an evil alter, who made Linda do many perverse things (unbeknownst to Linda). Linda has been...
Sandy was healed from arthritis in her hands, that caused the skin to turn blue. Sandy said she felt "so dirty inside", due to involvement in witchcraft. After deliverance, Sandy now says she "feels loved and clean inside". Kathy had a strong addiction to diet coke...
A Woman
A woman had lethargy and allergies and a low-grade fever (which was related to her thyroid). Once the demon of infirmity was called up, it spoke and said "do I have to get off her thyroid?" It was forbidden to transfer to her children. The demon said "oh, I've had...
Janet M.
"Since going to the group deliverance on the "Witchcraft and the Occult", the spirit of Poverty has been broken over our family and my husband makes 50% more money at the same job waiting tables!" - Janet M.