Grace J.

"I thank and praise God for Isaiah 61 ministry for delivering me from demonic oppression and generational curses. Now I can read the Word of God, worship Him and pray to Him again. It's such a breakthrough." - Grace J.

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Julie C.

Hi Eleanor, It's Julie sending you a quick note to again say thanks for carrying out this ministry. I have been a believer for 24 years and have had more breakthroughs and freedom in the last year than all the other years put together. I continue to be in amazement of...

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Mike J.

"I've been saved since l982 and have been praying for years to get healed of MPD(Multiple Personality Disorder brought on by abuse in my childhood). I went through every program available in the Church and the world with no success until I came to Isaiah 61...

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"I no longer have allergies to cats after attending the Freemasonry Group Deliverance!" - Laura

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Tanya S.

"I have been regular at the Mayo Clinic with a long list of unexplainable ailments and infirmities. When going through deliverance, Rev. Eleanor got a Word of Knowledge from the Holy Spirit that a curse was put on my family line back in 1842, which was confirmed by my...

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14 year old boy

A 14 year old boy who came to a Group Deliverance with his mother, to just observe, started to strongly manifest when Rev. Eleanor called out a spirit of Homosexuality. In ministering to him, it was revealed by the Holy Spirit that he was molested as a little boy,...

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Elijah was 5 years old when he was delivered from the spirit of fear. It happened the following night after it was cast out of me, Christina, Elijah's mother. We were at home Monday evening when it was so quiet in the house. I went into Elijah's room to see him...

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"Tonight's deliverance session with the Isaiah 61 Ministers was very enlightening. Let me share why. I told them that I needed help with intense anger when I drove. When anger was called up, immaturity, impatience, hurt, hatred were under its authority. I shared with...

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Tommy S.

Tommy S. was experiencing extreme weakness and flulike symptoms, - dizziness and disorientation. He also was having such horrible pain in his body that he had to be carried into the hospital. He went from l75 pounds to 139 in a matter of weeks. After one session of...

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Isaiah 61 Ministries
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Box 121 Suite #9
Phoenix, AZ 85032

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