Rachel R

Hi Rev Eleanor, My name is Rachel. I came to your conference a few weeks ago. Through the power of God and deliverance I am healed of my digestive disorder. Whenever i would eat anything my stomach would bloat up and become painful for hours. After deliverance I have...

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Niki May

March of 2008 I became very sick and was unable to function more than an hour at a time without having to rest or sleep. I saw a Doctor who took blood and performed many blood tests...my tests came back with high red blood counts. The Doctor said that he feared that I...

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Rick W.

Testimony from Rick W.: Eleanor: I wanted to take a moment and extend my appreciation for the Ministry provided on Tues. night, 9/8/09. It was the best way I could spend my last day of being 48 as I became 49 on Wed. 9/9/09. It was the first Birthday I have had in 35...

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Mellody K.

Mellody K. I went to the Deliverance Conference yesterday and God has healed me from Reynauds disease. On Friday when I came, I could not sit in the pew for two hours without my legs feeling numb. On Saturday after being healed from ancestral curses in the morning, I...

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Rafe & Tracy

Greetings, How good and great the Lord is! My husband and I attended the November conference really by accident. We had been looking for a deliverance conference to attend and when I looked up online the Isaiah 61 ministry conference I instantly knew we were to be...

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Noily C.

Dear Eleanor: Thank you for coming to my home in August of this year to do spiritual house cleaning and deliverance on myself and children. As you know we all manifested and had a great deliverance. A few things that I believe were a direct result of your obedience to...

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Paul D.

Paul D. was just healed through deliverance of Gastro-Intestinal problems that he's had most of his life. It was so severe that it would keep him from sleep at night. After having the generational curse of Gastro-Intestinal problems(it went back several generations...

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Laurelle C.

Laurelle C. was just healed of Insomnia that she's had all of her life, ever since she was a little girl. The Holy Spirit showed Rev. Eleanor that she was molested when she was 3 years old and that's when a Fear of Falling Asleep spirit entered into her, and has...

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Joanne Rehm

In January, 2008, Joanne Rehm had a severe Urinary tract Infection which caused her to be so ill that she was bedridden and in severe pain. The Doctors had her on two different medications, and the infection had spread to her kidneys. She was experiencing a high...

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As of the 3rd week of October, The Lord worked 2 new miracles through Deliverance: Pam, from the Ministry team, called Rev. Eleanor with the report that she'd twisted her ankle severely with resultant swelling and pain in her foot and leg. Immediately after that, she...

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